How To Create A Dog Haven In Your Garage

Garage for dogs blog

If the idea of leaving your dog in a crate all day while you’re out at work fills you with feelings of dread and guilt, then don’t worry – we’re here to help.

If you’re not already using it to its full advantage, garages can offer the perfect space for your pooch to kick back and relax in – chewing their toys, eating their grub, or simply getting some shuteye.

Dogs are known, after all, for their den-mentality; having a space that’s theirs and theirs alone. While it may be true that outdoor kennels can do the same job, with the UK weather the way it is, sending your dog outside in rainy, windy or stormy conditions isn’t always the kindest thing to do – regardless of how many shoes they’ve chewed up.

So, why not give them an area of the home that they can make their own? Not only will this provide you with an area of the home to shut them away in when required, but it’ll also get those tails wagging a little bit faster.

To get you started with creating a dog haven in your garage, we have listed a few ideas below. From insulating to decorating, let’s get started.


First things first, you need to ensure the climate of your garage space is ideal for your dog. The last thing you want is for them to feel freezing overnight, or constantly on edge from any loud noises outside.

Therefore, make sure your garage – including the garage door – is properly insulated. This will help keep the cold out in the winter months, and the humidity out during summer. It should also help retain the heat you use to warm your home, meaning your energy bills could benefit as a result as well.

In order to reduce condensation especially during those hot, muggy days, you could also consider installing a dehumidifier. This will prevent any potential damp from building up, which could affect your dog if left undealt with.


Garages are often home to a number of potentially dangerous items. Whether it be power tools like hammers and drills, or garden equipment like shears and secateurs, there are several things you need to be wary about leaving out in the garage.

Therefore, when it comes to setting up the perfect doggy haven, make sure these potentially dangerous items are stored safely away. Use shelving units to keep harmful chemicals out of reach, and use storage boxes to house any items that could cause harm – such as nails, coins or screws.


OK, now that you’ve set up the insulation and removed any potential threat of danger, it’s time for the fun part: decorating.

Whether you choose to go big and invest in brand new bedding, dog bowls, toys, and dog flaps, or go small and simply get your pooch a nice new ball to play with, how far you decide to go with your level of decoration is really up to you.

It’s important to bear in mind that dogs enjoy familiarity though, so make sure to provide them with their favourite blankets and toys when helping them settle in. Plus, if your dog gets particularly anxious while you’re away, you should consider leaving the radio on for them during the day or adding some of your clothes in the room; your scent will comfort them while you’re out and about.


Dogs are all about having a routine so it’s important to remember this when introducing them to their new ‘home’. Especially when it comes to their feeding routine, you should provide your pooch the same pet food as before, at the same time of day.

Finally, you should also provide your dog with lots of water. If you’re not personally going to be there to keep an eye on them during the day, you may want to invest in a bowl that won’t tip over easily and cause a mess. Ensuring they stay hydrated throughout the day is, after all, vital.

If you would like any further advice on how to transform your garage into a dog haven, why not contact our team at Wessex Garage Doors? We can help ensure your garage door continues to function correctly, keeping your canine companion safe and secure in their new environment.

Author: Wessex Garage Doors Team
Published on: Last updated: 17th May 2024

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