Why Spring is the Perfect Time to Get Your Garage Door Serviced

If you’ve been thinking about scheduling in your garage door maintenance but time keeps slipping by, spring could be the perfect time to book in a service. You can, of course, have the door checked and repaired at any time of year. But spring is the ideal time for a few different reasons, from better weather and working conditions to the ability to spot any damage that’s occurred over winter. Let’s take a look at the advantages of a spring service for your garage door in more detail.

The weather is ideal

During the winter months, you’ll need to be careful with the materials you use for your garage door, as they are more likely to be affected by harsher weather conditions. While it’s fine to have your garage door checked, if it needs repairing or replacing, you could run into difficulties.

The opposite is true of summer, when the hot temperatures could make certain materials expand and make them more difficult to deal with. This can be a particular issue with installing a steel door which can be tough to work with in scorching temperatures. But in the spring, there’s less chance of rain but also milder weather, making this the ideal time to check the door is fitting properly, and to have it replaced if necessary.

Safer and more efficient for engineers

With the improvement in the weather, it’s easier and safer for engineers to carry out their service more effectively. They’ll have access to a dry garage door so they’ll be able to see any issues or problems far easier, which means they can work more effectively.

It also means that if any repairs are needed, they’ll be able to work in dry conditions. This is better in terms of the mechanical aspects of your garage door. Naturally, a skilled engineer will be able to work in any conditions, but dry weather certainly makes the task easier and means that they’ll be able to work more efficiently.

Your door may have become damaged over the winter

As we’ve mentioned, winter brings with it a lot more rain, snow and frosty temperatures. These can all impact your garage door and could have caused damage without you realising. It’s not unusual for a spring to break or lose its resistance, or for the door to have become unbalanced, which could cause damage if it’s left without repair.

Once the weather starts to warm up, it’s a good idea to have a professional check the door is still in optimal working condition and that nothing has gone awry during the months when you might not be using it as often.

An opportunity to boost kerb appeal

In spring, everyone gets out into the garden to refresh the lawn, plant new bulbs and flowers, and get the exterior of their property looking its best once again. But you don’t want a tired, worn-out garage door bringing down the look of your property. It’s particularly important if you plan on putting your home on the market, which many people wait until spring to do.

Spring is a great time to have your garage door checked and replaced, if need be, with something more modern and in keeping with the style of your home, or simply maintained if everything is in working order.

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It keeps your home safe before holidays

Many homeowners book trips away in the spring, and with the weather warming up, it’s likely that you’ll be away from home more regularly compared to when we’re all hunkered down for the winter. But with that comes the issue of security. Without regular preventative maintenance, you can’t be entirely sure that your garage door is secure, which could put your vehicle, belongings and even access to your home at risk of unauthorised access and break-ins.

A professional will be able to check that your door is working as it should be, and will also be able to recommend ways to make your garage more secure so that you don’t need to worry when you’re away in the evenings or taking trips on holiday.

Regular maintenance and servicing is essential

If you have a garage, whether it’s one that’s been in place for many years or you’ve just added a new extension to your home for storage and parking, it’s important that you schedule in regular maintenance to keep the door working as it should. A faulty garage door doesn’t just impact the look of your property, it can also pose a security risk and even be dangerous. Having your door checked every year means you have complete peace of mind that not only is your door looking its best but it’s also as safe and secure as it can be.

Working with a garage door specialist ensures the best results – the team at Wessex Garage Doors have over 30 years’ experience in the installation and repair of all types of garage doors, and we operate across the South East. Contact us to book in your garage door service today.

Author: Wessex Garage Doors Team
Published on: Last updated: 17th May 2024

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