Wessex Garage Doors Celebrates Jointly

On 5th October Wessex Garage Doors jointly celebrated 30 years in business with The Corporate Door Company (CDC) who celebrate 10.

The event was held at Lingfield Park Resort in the beautifully dressed Pavilion and was attended by 75 which included the Wessex Garage Doors and CDC teams, the CEO of Novoferm UK and a few of his key staff members, plus a number of suppliers that have worked with us for as many years.

The event started with a welcome drink, a quick chat, a few words from the MD, and then a three course sit down meal.

During the meal Jeremy Baker, CEO Novoferm UK, made a lovely toast and presented raffle prizes generously gifted to us by them.   A member of Wessex Garage Doors, Zsolt, and a member of the CDC team, Chris, were lucky enough to walk away with a £100 restaurant voucher and other members received Novoferm jackets.

Following the end of the meal the MD, Marc Rorison, presented Beth with some flowers to thank her for all her efforts in planning the party.  Two Service Awards were also presented.  Mark Edmonds was presented with a Long Service Award for his 30 years with Wessex Garage Doors and Andrew House with a CDC Service and Dedication Award.  Mark, a big fan of fishing, is off on a week’s holiday to a fishing paradise in Devon and Andrew, a Porsche fanatic, will be spending the day at Silverstone racing Porsches some time next year.

Then it was time for the big game – ‘Head and Tails’.  We all stood and the MD read out a number of questions that required a true (hands on the head) or false (hands on the bottom) answer – questions included ones like ‘can lightening strike twice in the same place’ – true or false?! As people got answers wrong only a few remained standing and in the second round it was down to only two – Mark from the CDC factory in Dorset and Deborah from Barclays Bank in Banstead.  Deborah was lucky enough to walk away with the ‘golden money case’ and tells us she will be using it to fund her granddaughter’s gymnastic’s trip but we hope she also treats herself.

Simon Evans, comedian, made us laugh with a 20 minute set, followed by music and dancing.  What attracted most people, some more than others, was the photo booth and props – there were so many laughs with the booth being used, of course, more so towards the end of the evening as alcohol took affect.  In fact there were so many smiley faces throughout the evening with lots of mingling and talking – this was so lovely to see.

As people said their goodbyes they were presented with a boxed parting gift of a personalised bottle of Prosecco and two glasses in the hope the party goers would continue to celebrate back at home.

The evening wouldn’t have been so special if it wasn’t for the staff at Lingfield Park Resort who took so much care of us during the night and for KT Entertainments Ltd who supplied the PA system to ensure our speeches could be heard together with the fantastic DJ and photo booth.  Karl made sure that everyone made full use of the booth and props.

The room it’s self wouldn’t have looked so wonderful if it hadn’t of been dressed by Butterflies and Bows – the chair covers, sashes and balloons made the room that extra special and all of this was captured on camera by Barney from Barney Warner Photography   Barney took some wonderful photos – we hardly new he was there during the night – and many of these have been placed together in the video below.

Here’s to another many years ahead!

Author: Mascha Lipscomb
Published on: Last updated: 17th May 2024

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