How To Make The Front Of Your Home More Secure

Home security is a big concern for a number of homeowners throughout the UK – and not just from a burglary perspective, from a safety perspective as well.

The last thing anyone wants, after all, is for their possessions to be taken illegally or for their home to be compromised in any way. A house should be a place of relaxation and solitude – a welcome escape from the stresses of everyday life.

Therefore, maintaining your home’s security is absolutely imperative. So, how do you do exactly that? Well, that’s where we can help.

Join us as we run through some of the best ways to make your home a much more secure place to live, starting with – in our mind – the most important room of the house: the garage.


  1. Add A Video Doorbell

Technology has come on leaps and bounds over the past decade or so and one of the best devices of recent times is the video doorbell.

While the premise behind this device may sound simple, it can do wonders from a home security perspective. Not only does it function like a normal doorbell, but it also submits a live stream video from the doorbell itself to your smartphone. This, in turn, enables you to see who is at your door or around your porch area from pretty much anywhere in the world.

While it may sound silly, many criminals actually test whether someone is at home by ringing the doorbell first. Now, if they do, you will get a live streamed video of their face, which could deter them from targeting your home.


  1. Invest In Motion Sensing Lights

Another simple yet effective piece of tech security, motion sensing lights are a great addition to your home regardless of security. Sometimes you simply need them to guide your way while you’re stumbling in from a night out.

However, they also work incredibly effectively at deterring criminals – especially when combined with the videoing functionality of a video doorbell or home CCTV system (more on those later). After all, the last thing any criminal want is to be illuminated to the entire street while they’re getting up to no good.


  1. Install A Home CCTV System

If you’re looking to take your home security one step further, why not think about having a home CCTV system installed? Especially if you live in a particularly rough area, this could make all the difference between criminals decide to target your home or not.

These systems work by using a number of cameras in and around the home to monitor the key areas. While they should be dormant most of the time, in the event of a break in taking place, they will record the event and provide you with useful evidence to take to the police.

To make the most of having CCTV though, you’ll need to make sure it’s as visible as possible. Any wannabe criminals need to know that they’re being watched, so you could even consider adding a few signs around your property to make sure they’re aware.


  1. Automate Your Garage Door

If you don’t have a garage at your property, skip ahead to point number two. If you do have a garage though, then make sure it’s automated.

An area is often overlooked by homeowners, garage doors are actually one of the most common targets for entry into the home. Therefore, it’s vital for it to be in its best possible condition to ensure there aren’t any easy entry points.

Say, for example, your garage has an old rusty lock on it. All it would take is a little bit of force to break through the lock and gain entry to your possessions. Alternatively, if your garage door is bent and no longer shuts as flush as it used to, it might be time to get an upgrade.

Fortunately, there are a number of different options available to choose from. We particularly recommend automated roller or sectional garage doors as the most secure types of garage door though, due to their ability to be fully motorised and controlled remotely using various apps or a remote control.

Here at Wessex Garage Doors, we take home security very seriously. If you have any concerns regarding your garage doors functionality or effectiveness, please do not hesitate to contact our team. We will point you in the right direction of how to either fix the issue or get a new, securer door fitted at your property.

Author: Mascha Lipscomb
Published on: Last updated: 18th November 2022

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