Garage Security: Is Your Garage Vulnerable?

Steel Up and Over Garage Door

Burglary is something that many of us like to put at the back of our minds. It’s easy to imagine that it will never happen to you, especially if you live in a safe and fairly crime-free area. But criminals and thieves are always looking for opportunities and a poorly maintained garage can appear to be an easy target. If your garage is attached to your home, breaking into the garage can be a way in to the property. Alternatively, if your garage is not connected it might seem like an opportunity for thieves to break in without being disturbed.

Either way, it’s important that you should take your garage security seriously. Just a few small changes to your garage can be enough to put off criminals from attempting to burgle your home. Here are some ways to ensure that your garage is not vulnerable.

Is your garage door secure?

Perhaps inevitably, the most obvious point of entry to your garage is the door. It’s true that older doors are less likely to be secure than the more security-conscious modern models, so if you’ve had your garage door for many years it could be worth looking into the possibility of buying a replacement. A new garage door that looks sturdy will beef up your home security and put off opportunist thieves from targeting your home.

Do you always lock your garage?

One issue with garage security can come out of complacency. For many careful home owners, the garage is the blind spot that gets forgotten. For example, ask yourself whether you always lock your garage or whether sometimes you assume that no-one is likely to try to open your garage door, so there’s no need to take the time to secure it properly.

If this is a familiar story for you at all, it could be worth considering the benefits of having an automatic garage door. Automated doors close and lock at the touch of a button, and this can ensure that your garage is always secure even when you’re short on time.

The value of light

Can you see your garage? This might not sound like an especially important question, but sometimes something as simple as a light can make it much easier to keep your garage secure. Potential thieves are far more likely to prefer working in an area where they can’t be seen than one that is lit up. So a good idea is to install a motion sensing light around your garage. Even if you don’t have a view of the garage itself often the light will be enough to deter the burglar.

Don’t make your garage an easy target

Once again, it’s important to remember that the majority of thieves and criminal are opportunistic rather than meticulous planners. That means that one of the best things that you can do to keep your garage safe is make it look like a difficult prospect for criminals. That means you should take the time to ensure that the garage is regularly maintained and there are no easy access points such as weak windows.

Author: Wessex Garage Doors Team
Published on: Last updated: 17th May 2024

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