What to do when your key is stuck in the garage door?

Has your garage door key ever got stuck – or worse, broken – in the garage door? Calling a locksmith will be the first thing most people will want to do. But don’t panic just yet. With a bit of patience and the right tools, you might be able to retrieve the key from the lock yourself. Here’s what you should do.

1. First of all, you need a few tools to help you free up the key. Collect together some lock lubricant spray (e.g. WD40), a screwdriver, needle nosed pliers and a jigsaw blade.
2. Next, start by spraying the lock and stuck key liberally with the lubricant, to loosen all components.
3. Check the lock to see how far the key was inserted before it snapped. Look at the head of the key and see if some of the cuts on the key are on it. If so, the key will have broken in the centre, and the lock may well still be aligned, meaning you can simply pull the broken key out.
4. If, however, you’re only holding the head and none of the key cuts, the key was probably turned before it broke. Take the screwdriver to turn the lock back to its original vertical position.
5. Try to pull the broken key out gently with the pliers. Gently is the operative word here – if you’re too rough with it, you may make the problem worse and seriously damage the lock.
6. If this doesn’t work, insert the jigsaw blade into the keyhole, teeth facing down. Carefully push the blade in until the teeth catch one of the cuts on the key, then very carefully pull the blade (with key attached) back out.

What you should not do under any circumstances is to use excessive force when attempting to remove the key so as not to damage the lock mechanism and cause greater damage. What’s more, if you can see that you’re not winning, however careful you are being, it’s time to recognise your limitation and call a garage door repair specialist.


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Author: Wessex Garage Doors Team
Published on: Last updated: 26th March 2021

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